How will the City pay for this project?
Federal funding from the Department of Transportation through the NYS Region 8 offices will cover more than half of the cost. The federal share is $883,000 and will be matched locally with $517,000 from bonding.
What does mill and overlay mean?
It's a form of street maintenance with two major steps: 1) milling the street and 2) laying new asphalt (overlay).
What are swales?
A shady spot, or a sunken or marshy place. In particular, in US usage, it's a shallow channel with gently sloping sides. Such a swale may be either natural or man-made. Artificial swales are often infiltration basins, designed to manage water runoff, filter pollutants, and increase rainwater infiltration.
What's a culvert?
A culvert is a structure that allows water to flow under a road, railroad, trail, or similar obstruction from one side to the other. Typically embedded so as to be surrounded by soil, a culvert may be made from a pipe, reinforced concrete or other material.
What does right-of-way acquisition mean?
In civil engineering, this term refers to acquiring private land for project use by providing monetary compensation for the value of the property.